I remember coming up with several themes and elements of Superhero stories to utilize with my children in therapy early on in my career. I would get children to find a role model and focus on emulating that hero’s strengths and then we would use sessions of creating art therapy costumes for the client while processing in sessions. One day I came across Dr. Janina Scarlet’s work with superhero therapy, and I was smitten with her personal story and inspiring approach to supporting clients through her own personal journey. She has taken this type of therapy to amazing levels that all therapists can benefit from, and she continues to inspire me to be creative with clients through my narrative therapy work with families. There are videos below of her amazing work, as well as access to her trainings and resources as a tribute to this amazing woman that I hope you can benefit from.

Several therapists, including myself, have been using superhero-based therapy techniques to treat a variety of disorders including anxiety, depression and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This is done by incorporating examples from comic books, movies and TV shows as the means to allow the client to better understand what he or she is experiencing. Often when someone is struggling with a painful experience it might be difficult to make sense of the present situation. In addition, painful emotional experiences, such as depression or trauma can potentially be alienating, creating false beliefs that we are the only ones going through this or that no one else will understand.

Sometimes recognizing that some of our favorite heroes have been through a similar experience can potentially be healing. Research suggests that when we identify that we have gone through a painful experience just as others have (the concept of common humanity), that this can allow us to feel more connected and that connection with others. Research also suggest that this might even inspire physiological changes in the body such as the release of a hormone called oxytocin which has been shown to be related to increased feelings of love and compassion, reduced stress, reduced depression/anxiety and increased lifespan.

At Barnett Counseling Services You are ALWAYS the HERO of your own STORY!