Please contact Barnett Counseling Services if you would like to inquire about walk and talk therapy. There is a required medical waiver form before beginning this service and will be filled out with your primary care physician.


Walk & Talk Therapy is just like it sounds. We will be outside walking during therapy instead of sitting inside an office. Many clients say that Walk & Talk Therapy is a more relaxed environment than the counseling office. Others state that it is a great way to jump start or support a fitness routine or active lifestyle. Walking while sharing your struggles and life situations can also be meditative. Walk & Talk Therapy encourages healthy activity and moments to practice unique self-calming skills in a natural environment.

There are several reasons why Walk & Talk Therapy is a great approach:

  1. Walk & Talk Therapy gets you moving—both literally and figuratively.
  2. Walk & Talk Therapy is conducted outdoors, being in nature can be meditative and grounding.
  3. You set the pace of the session and you can even take your emotional support animals along for the process.
  4. Research studies have shown that physical activity can enhance mental and physical health. Physical activity has also been shown to reduce levels of depression and anxiety and can help to prevent depressive symptoms.