At this time Barnett Counseling Services, LLC is not accepting any new clients. If this changes in the future this area will be updated on the website.

My name is David Barnett and I am so glad you dropped by my website. I am an Oregon transplant and I have made this beautiful state and community my new home. I feel privileged to be able to serve the residents of coastal Oregon, specifically Lane and Lincoln Counties. Take some time to explore my website and if you think I may be the right fit for you, please leave me a message above on the contact page and schedule a free 15-minute consultation appointment. I hope you have a blessed day!
David Barnett, LPC
I employ a holistic, client-centered, strength-based, trauma-informed approach to therapy, with a focus on hopefulness, laughter, and artistic creative expression. I draw upon the eclectic perspectives and techniques of various therapeutic models and tailor your treatment to honor your specific needs and presenting symptoms to support your mental health goals and objectives. I believe that each person has the ability within themselves to channel their greatest strengths and achieve their goals and life objectives. I see therapy as a clinical partnership between client and therapist, and the client holds keys to unlocking their full potential. I see my role as a therapist as helping each client find those keys within themselves using various holistic techniques and with strength-based supports. Think of me as a guide/sidekick on your journey to increase your mental health stability and wellness. Essentially, my hope is that our partnership can help you find your way to become the HERO of your own STORY.
My education and training consist of: A Master of Science Degree in Rehabilitation Counseling with a Specialization in Mental Health Counseling from Thomas University in Thomasville Georgia, A Post master’s Graduate Therapy Certificate in Adoptive & Foster Family Therapy from Portland State University and 64.5 combined studio art credits from the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design and Monterey Peninsula College in California. I am certified PCIT Family Therapist, and I am an Oregon State Board Licensed Professional Counselor. I have over 28 years of mental health career experience & training working with Adults, Children, and families, with career experience in various states and with various cultural populations.